Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Money and Class Houses

I have chosen to look around the city of Buffalo for inspiration. My "money and class" house example is representative of my love of medieval and more ancient times. It reminds me of the Harvard- or Yale-like campus. The size is important, the amount and organization of windows, as well as the castle-like shape to the front of the building. The building looks very imposing because of the big brick front. The building looks like well built and sturdy. Also the big wooden door with the plaster (?) surround seems very classy.

1 comment:

  1. Is that house on Depew in Buffalo? The house I picked was on that street as well, just a few blocks down! This house was a close runner-up when I was choosing which one to write about, but the other's sunroom ended up winning me over. Looks like Depew is the place to be for the classy and moneyed.
